We acknowledge the Torres Strait Islander & Aboriginal people who are the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia and we appreciate their culture of sharing which is the root and branch of philanthropy.
Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) and Public Ancillary Funds (PuAFs) are an important — yet, largely untapped — source of funding for nonprofit organisations in Australia, and our PafGUIDE® is the only comprehensive online database that keeps track of them all.
The PafGUIDE database currently includes over 2,900 active PAFs and PuAFs, and the search functionality allows users to easily find funds that are relevant to particular cause areas and geographical regions.
As the 26th of January approaches in Australia, we would like to share some of the PAFs and PuAFs that support indigenous activities and charities for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. Let’s take a look at 6 funds open to applications to help your indigenous organisation raise more money.
Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Trust (ABF) was established as a Public Ancillary Fund in November 2014. ABF exists to support the causes of health, education, art, youth, age factors, disability, and poverty in Aboriginal communities in every state and territory of Australia. For more information and application details, click here.
Bennelong Foundation was established as a Private Ancillary Fund in June 2002 by Bangarra Group (previously named Bennelong Group), a privately-owned funds management and private equity business founded by Jeff Chapman and his family in 2000. Bennelong Foundation exists to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, migrants and refugees, and communities and groups experiencing socio-economic disadvantage through education, training, and employment and community health and wellbeing. Based in Victoria, it is believed that the Foundation operates in all states and territories of Australia. For more information and application details, click here.
The CAGES Foundation was established as a Private Ancillary Fund in June 2008 by Paul Salteri AM and Sandra Salteri to fund initiatives that work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families both at home and in preschool environments. The CAGES Foundation supports organisations that provide access to health, education, and wellbeing services to indigenous children in the first five years of life in regional, rural, and remote New South Wales. For more information and application details, click here.
The Clough Foundation Trust (known as The Clough Foundation) was established as a Public Ancillary Fund in 2013. The Clough Foundation exists to support children and youth through the promotion of opportunity and alleviation of sickness and disadvantage, the Australian contracting sector through education opportunities and development of high value skills, Australian and Papua New Guinean indigenous people and their communities through awareness and respect for indigenous culture, women through initiatives that improve diversity and provide opportunities in the workplace and in society to tackle violence and discrimination, and communities by promoting an active lifestyle to improve health and wellbeing. The Clough Foundation operates in Western Australia. For more information and application details, click here.
Fay Fuller Foundation (FFF) was established as a Private Ancillary Fund in June 2004. The Foundation exists to support mental health and wellbeing initiatives in South Australia, as well as campaigns that influence systemic change in Australia, including partnering with First Nation’s People. Fay Fuller Foundation was started in 2003 by Margert Fay Fuller (1926-2017), who was better known as Fay Fuller, as a way to increase and structure her philanthropy. Fay began making private donations to multiple health-based charities across South Australia after losing family members due to illness. Fay Fuller Foundation continues her legacy. For more information and application details, click here.
The RALI Foundation was established as a Private Ancillary Fund in March 2011. It exists to create transformational change in the area of Education, particularly literacy, by providing funding to support young people in ‘at risk’ stages of schooling, opportunities for disadvantaged people to engage in education, and assistance for mothers and parents of children to acquire new skills. The RALI Foundation benefits young people, women, Indigenous people, refugees & immigrants, and rural & remote communities in the eastern and southern states of Australia (NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, and VIC). For more information and application details, click here.
There are over 450 active funds in the ‘Indigenous’ category in PafGUIDE®; these funds support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities and have a philanthropic track record of providing grants and funding to indigenous charities and programs. To access these funds and all 2,900+ active PAFs and PuAFs in Australia, subscribe today. For more information, visit PafGUIDE.com.
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